Established by an act of the state legislature in 2015, the Mississippi Autism Board is responsible for issuing your behavior analyst license.
This body has recognized the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB) Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA®) certification as the standard credential for state licensure.
Eligibility for the BCBA® certification exam requires earning a qualifying master’s or doctoral degree in behavior analysis or a related field and completing a period of supervised training. In some cases, this supervised experience can be completed as part of a qualifying master’s degree.
If you have a doctoral degree in behavior analysis or another approved field, then you can also qualify to become a behavior analyst by earning the BACB’s BCBA®-D (doctoral) certification.
The Mississippi Autism Board also recognizes two related classes of professional that we’ll discuss in this guide:
- Assistant behavior analyst – A professional who holds the BACB’s Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® (BCaBA®) certification
- Behavior technician – A professional who holds the BACB’s Registered Behavior Technician® (RBT®) certification
To become a behavior analyst in Mississippi, you’ll need to:
Step 1. Earn at Least a Master’s Degree in a Behavior Analysis Field
The Mississippi Autism Board specifies that you must earn at least a master’s degree and recognizes any graduate school program that is approved by the BACB.
The BACB recognizes three pathways that meet the educational requirements for BCBA certification:
1. Earn a master’s degree from an accredited program
The most streamlined path to BCBA® licensure is through a master’s degree that’s accredited by the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) or a master’s or doctoral degree that accredited/recognized by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).
A master’s degree in behavior analysis program covers highly relevant topics like:
- Ethical and legal issues
- Behavior change methodologies
- Single subject research designs
- Skinner’s writings on applied and theoretical behavior analysis
- Behavioral assessments
- Applied behavior analysis introduction
- Advanced behavior analysis
Any APBA-accredited or ABAI-accredited/recognized program meets the educational requirements for certification.
2. Earn a master’s degree and complete specific graduate-level coursework in behavior analysis
You may also meet the educational requirements by earning a master’s degree in behavior analysis or a similar field such as education or psychology and completing the following graduate-level coursework in behavior analysis:
- BACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement System; Professionalism: 45 hours
- Philosophical Underpinnings; Concepts and Principles: 90 hours
- Measurement, Data Display and Interpretation; Experimental Design: 45 hours
- Behavior Assessment: 45 hours
- Behavior-Change Procedures; Selecting and Implementing Interventions: 60 hours
- Personnel Supervision and Management: 60 hours
You’ll need to provide the BACB with proof that you’ve satisfied the above coursework requirements in one of two ways:
- Course-by-Course Review: Your department chair, dean, or BCBA®-certified VCS Coordinator will review your completed coursework and complete a Non-Verified Course Content Attestation that will be sent to the BACB.
- Verified Course Sequence (VCS): You’ll complete the required coursework through an ABAI-Verified Course Sequence, a set of courses (usually delivered as a graduate certificate) that have been verified by the ABAI as meeting the coursework requirements.*
*Note: The ABAI announced that it is ending the VCS system on December 31, 2025. Beginning in 2026, verification must occur through the student’s university to demonstrate that the coursework standards have been met.
Graduate Study Prerequisites
Some programs in applied behavior analysis may require that you already have an undergraduate degree in behavior science or applied behavior analysis. Others will often accept a BA/BS in one of these majors:
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Education
- Special education
- Social work
A master’s program may also identify specific prerequisite courses for prospective applicants, for example:
- Research methodology
- General psychology
- Applied behavior analysis
- Conditioning and learning
- Developmental psychology
Education Requirements for Assistants and Technicians
Assistant behavior analyst – The Mississippi Board of Autism recognizes bachelor’s degrees conferred by any undergraduate program that includes the Verified Course Sequence (VCS). To be eligible for the BACB’s Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA®) examination you must have a bachelor’s degree in any subject from an accredited institution and complete coursework in the following subjects:
- Principles and concepts of behavior analysis
- Ethical and professional conduct
- Research methods in behavior analysis
- Applied behavior analysis
Behavior Technician – The Mississippi Autism Board and the BACB require that you have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. This will also fulfill the education requirement to qualify for the RBT® certification exam.
Step 2. Complete a Period of Supervised Practice
You must complete between 1,500 and 2,000 hours of supervised fieldwork to qualify for BCBA® certification. The number of hours you’ll need will depend on the amount of supervision you receive during this time. You can begin satisfying this fieldwork requirement as soon as you begin taking graduate-level courses in behavior analysis, and most ABAI- and APBA-accredited programs will include a practicum where you’ll begin accruing these hours. Your program director will help you locate and secure a qualified supervisor and supervision site.
Qualifying supervised practice adheres to guidelines that include:
- Development of performance expectations
- Behavioral skills training, observation, and delivery of performance feedback
- Modeling of ethical, professional, and technical behavior
- Guidance of behavioral case decision making, conceptualization, and problem solving
- Review of written materials like reports, behavior programs, and data sheets
- Evaluation and oversight regarding the effects of the behavioral service delivery and supervision
- Up to half of the supervision can be conducted in small groups
- The supervised experience must be conducted according to a written contract pre-established between you and your supervisor
- The supervised experience must be well documented, including hours and activities
Just a small sampling of the ABA providers throughout Mississippi where you can earn the required fieldwork hours include:
- Colorful Minds, Gulfport
- Spectrum Behavioral Services, Flowood
- Blue Sky Behavior Therapy, Ridgeland
- Center for Behavior Analytic Services, Tupelo
- Autism Center of North Mississippi, Oxford
- ExoCare: Center for Autism, Southaven
- Evolve Autism Services, Gulfport
Supervision Requirements for Assistants and Technicians
Assistant behavior analysts – The supervised experience standards for assistant behavior analysts are identical to those for applied behavior analysts.
Behavior technicians – By definition you’ll always work under the supervision of a behavior analyst or assistant. The Mississippi Autism Board stipulates that you must adhere to the supervision requirements of the BACB.
Before you can be eligible for the RBT® exam, you must also complete 40 hours of training. This covers the subjects listed on the RBT® Task List and you are responsible for locating a BACB-approved training provider who has BCBA® or BCaBA® certification.
Step 3. Pass the BCBA® Exam and the Mississippi Autism Board’s Jurisprudence Exam
Once you’ve satisfied the education and experience requirements, you can apply with the BACB to take the BCBA® examination. Once your application has been approved the BACB, you’ll be given directions on how to register with Pearson VUE, the administrator of the BCBA® exam. Pearson VUE has testing centers throughout the U.S., including the following locations in Mississippi:
- Jackson
- Starkville
- Tupelo
Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA®) Exam Content
This BCBA® exam is a multiple-choice computer exam that consists of 175 graded questions that cover the following areas:
- Behaviorism and Philosophical Foundations: 5%
- Concepts and Principles: 14%
- Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation: 12%
- Experimental Design: 7%
- Ethical and Professional Issues: 13%
- Behavior Assessment: 13%
- Behavior-Change Procedures: 14%
- Selecting and Implementing Interventions: 11%
- Personnel Supervision and Management: 11%
Mississippi Autism Board Oral Jurisprudence Exam
This Oral Examination assesses your understanding of the laws that relate to the practice of behavior analysis, especially Title 1, Part 17 from the Mississippi State Code.
Once you’ve submitted your full application, along with an application fee, criminal background check processing fee, and fingerprint card, the Mississippi Autism Board will contact you about scheduling your oral exam. Learn more about this exam here.
Examination Requirements for Assistants and Technicians
Assistant behavior analysts – Applying for, scheduling, and taking the Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA®) exam is similar to the BCBA® exam. You’re eligible to apply once you’ve completed the BACB’s education and supervised experience requirements.
Behavior technicians – You’ll need to pass two assessments to earn the BACB’s Registered Behavior Technician (RBT®) certification:
Step 4. Apply for Licensure with the Mississippi Autism Board
You’ll be able to apply for licensure with the Mississippi Autism Board once you earn your BCBA® credential. You have the option of completing a paper application or applying online.
Included in your application is a waiver that permits the board to obtain information about your BCBA® exam results from the BACB. You also need to request your graduate program to send official transcripts to the Mississippi Autism Board.
Your application and transcripts should be sent to:
Mississippi Autism Board
PO Box 20
Jackson, MS 39205
Licensure by reciprocity – You can be eligible for this if the licensure process you went through in another state had at least the same requirements as Mississippi.
Temporary licensure – You can earn a temporary license if you have met all the licensure requirements except your examinations. Furthermore, you must meet these conditions:
- Have already taken the BCBA® examination and be waiting for your score
- Be registered to take the next Mississippi Autism Board oral jurisprudence examination
- You must apply for full licensure as soon as possible after completing your exams
The temporary license is valid for six months, during which time you must complete your outstanding testing requirements. If you hold a temporary license you must also work under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst. You can indicate you’re applying for a temporary license on the behavior analyst application form.
Behavior analyst continuing education and license renewal – Your state license expires every three years. To renew you must submit a renewal form, fee, and proof of continuing education – 12 hours each year. This must be advanced education that is directly related to the performance and practice of behavior analysis. It should follow these guidelines:
- Include at least one hour of ethical or legal education
- A maximum of 50 percent may be derived from online and home study courses
- Be approved by the BACB or the Mississippi Autism Board
Your BCBA® certification must also always be maintained with the BACB and renewed every two years. This involves completing at least 32 hours of approved continuing education within this period (at least four hours of education must be related to ethics). BACB continuing education can include:
- College and university coursework
- Scholarly activities
- Retaking and passing the certification exam
- Education from approved providers
- Teaching or instruction activities
You can apply BACB-approved continuing education to both your BCBA® certification and maintaining your state license.
Licensure Requirements for Assistant Behavior Analysts
An application for this license is made on the same form as the behavior analyst license. It includes a release you must sign that allows the Mississippi Autism Board to access information about your BCaBA® exam through the BACB. You also need to request official transcripts from your school to be sent to the Mississippi Autism Board at the address listed above.
At the time of application and throughout your career you must provide proof of ongoing supervision by a behavior analyst.
Licensure by reciprocity – You can be eligible for this if the licensure process you went through in another state had at least the same requirements as Mississippi.
Temporary licensure – You can earn a temporary license if you have met all the licensure requirements except your examinations. Furthermore, you must meet these conditions:
- Have already taken the BCaBA® examination and be waiting for your score
- You must apply for full licensure as soon as possible after completing your exams
The temporary license is valid for six months, during which time you must complete your outstanding testing requirements. You can indicate you’re applying for a temporary license on the assistant behavior analyst application form.
License renewal – Your license expires every three years. To renew you must submit a renewal form, fee, and proof of continuing education. You must complete 12 hours of continuing education for your state license each year, and 20 hours of continuing education every three years to maintain your BCaBA® through the BACB. The terms of your continuing education are identical to those for behavior analysts above.
Licensure Requirements for Assistants Behavior Technicians
As a behavior technician, you do not submit an application. Rather, your supervising behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst is responsible for submitting a behavior technician registration form on your behalf to the Mississippi Autism Board at the address above. This shows they are responsible for supervising you.
You can be listed on this form once you have located a willing BCBA® or BCaBA® to supervise you and have met the examination and training requirements up to this point.
License renewal – You’ll need to keep your RBT® certification current with the BACB. This means you must pass the annual RBT® Competency Assessment and ensure your supervision requirements are continually met.